Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded (which lead to: SQLSTATE[3D000]

2020-05-21 10:58:14

解决办法,调整php.ini 的max_execution_time = 300值

I tried to install matomo (first time) and get after click "Next"-Button in welcome screen for step 2 (system check) this error:

Matomo encoutered an error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded (which lead to: SQLSTATE[3D000]: Invalid catalog name: 1046 No database selected)

What is here to do? Set a higher execution time lead only to this

Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 90 seconds exceeded in \matomo-3.5.1\core\FileIntegrity.php on line 324

At all I read many times take a look in config.ini, but this file not exists in root or config-folder.

System Windows 10.

Solution: Make maximum execution time of 120 or more.

  • 2023-09-21 16:49:06


    上篇文章已经搭建了最基本的项目,我用手机下载了一个版本62.点开头的chrome apk来测试。 果真白屏,啥也没有,也看不到报错信息。 赶紧安装 vconsole ,重启,刷新,依然白屏,连vconsole也没有。这可咋弄。 想了下,这浏览器老的是可以呀,还得修改编译参数,加大es5的处理。 根目录有一个配置文件 .browserslistrc 里面的配置如下