TypeError: console.log(…) is not a function

2017-09-03 20:12:31

Simply put a semicolon (;) after console.log().


The error is easily reproducible like this:

It’s trying to pass function(){} as an argument to the return value of console.log() which itself is not a function but actually undefined (check typeof console.log();). This is because JavaScript interprets this as console.log()(function(){})console.log however is a function.

If you didn’t have the console object you’d see

ReferenceError: console is not defined

If you had the console object but not the log method you’d see

TypeError: console.log is not a function

What you have, however, is

TypeError: console.log(...) is not a function

Note the (...) after the function name. With those it’s referring to the return value of the function.

Respect the ;

All these code snippets result in all sorts of unexpected errors if no semicolons are present:

console.log() // As covered before() // TypeError: console.log(...) is not a functionconsole.log() // Accessing property 0 of property 1 of the return value…[1][0] // TypeError: console.log(...) is undefinedconsole.log() // Like undefined-3-3 // NaN

Another Example

You see the (...) oftentimes with the use of chained methods or chained property accessors:


If that RegEx isn’t found, the method will return null and the property accessor on null will cause a TypeError: string.match(...) is null — the return value is null. In the case of console.log(...) the return value was undefined.

  • 2018-01-17 01:55:49



  • 2018-01-17 15:58:16



  • 2018-01-18 11:26:53


    从开始接触js时,我们便知道js是单线程的。单线程,异步,同步,互调,阻塞等。在实际写js的时候,我们都会用到ajax,不管是原生的实现,还是借助jQuery等工具库实现,我们都知道,ajax可以实现局部刷新,并且在请求处理时,任然可以响应用户的操作,比如点击事件。不是说js是单线程吗?这些都是怎么实现的? 在阅读《深入理解Bootrap的源码》一书,在分析轮播组件(carousel.js)的源码时,作者对一句代码操作的注释引起了我的兴趣。