Room是Google在AndroidX中提供的一个ORM(Object Relational Mapping,对象关系映射)库。它是在SQLite上提供的一个抽象层,可以使用SQLite的全部功能,同时可以更好更便捷流畅地访问数据库。(关于AndroidX可以参考,Android_AndroidX简介&Junit4:https://www.cnblogs.com/fanglongxiang/p/11401123.html)
应用程序处理大量结构化数据 从本地持久化数据中处理是最好的。最常见的用例是缓存相关的数据片段。这样,当设备无法访问网络时,用户仍然可以在离线时浏览该内容。任何用户发起的内容更改都将在设备重新联机后同步到服务器。
Entity: 实体,相当于数据库中的表,对应表中的字段。
DAO: data access objects,简称DAO,数据库访问对象,包含了访问数据库的方法。
下面先举一个小示例,大致了解下 Room数据库的增删改查 流程(代码中添加了说明注释,可以详细看下);然后再详细说明知识点。
要使用Room,首先要加载依赖build.gradle(Module:)添加如下(最新信息从这里获取 https://developer.android.google.cn/jetpack/androidx/releases/room#declaring_dependencies):
dependencies { def room_version = "2.2.0-beta01" implementation "androidx.room:room-runtime:$room_version" annotationProcessor "androidx.room:room-compiler:$room_version" // For Kotlin use kapt instead of annotationProcessor // optional - Kotlin Extensions and Coroutines support for Room implementation "androidx.room:room-ktx:$room_version" // optional - RxJava support for Room implementation "androidx.room:room-rxjava2:$room_version" // optional - Guava support for Room, including Optional and ListenableFuture implementation "androidx.room:room-guava:$room_version" // Test helpers testImplementation "androidx.room:room-testing:$room_version"}
首先,创建一个实体Entity,这里创建一个叫Student的实体(它对应一个名叫students的表,表中3个字段id, student_name, age),代码如下:
package com.flx.testroom;import androidx.room.ColumnInfo;import androidx.room.Entity;import androidx.room.PrimaryKey;//@Entity注释一个实体 tableName 数据库中的表名@Entity(tableName = "students")public class Student { //主键 自增 @PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true) public int id; //student_name才是真正在表中对应的字段名,name是该对象中的变量。 @ColumnInfo(name="student_name") public String name; public int age; public Student() { } public Student(String name, int age) { this.name = name; this.age = age; } public int getId() { return id; } public void setId(int id) { this.id = id; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } public int getAge() { return age; } public void setAge(int age) { this.age = age; } }
package com.flx.testroom;import java.util.List;import androidx.room.Dao;import androidx.room.Delete;import androidx.room.Insert;import androidx.room.Query;import androidx.room.Update;@Daopublic interface StudentsDao { @Insert//增 public void insertStudent(Student student); @Insert public void insertStudents(Student student1, Student student2); @Insert public void insertStudentsAndMore(Student student, List<Student> classmate); @Update//改 public void updateStudents(Student ... students); @Delete//删 public void deleStudents(Student ... students); @Query( "SELECT * FROM students" )//查 public Student[] getAllStudents(); @Query( "SELECT * FROM students WHERE student_name LIKE:studentName" )//带参数 public Student[] getStudentsByName(String studentName); }
接下来看如何调用,运行后的现象和结果。 这里编写的是一个运行在Android设备上的JUnit测试。
setUp() = studentDb = Room.databaseBuilder(context, StudentDataBase., "studentDB" studentsDao = tearDown() <Student> listStudents = ArrayList<>= Student("insert1", 20= Student( "insert2", 21= Student( "insert3", 22= Student( "insert4", 22="test_flx", "getAllStudents after insert: id = " + st.getId() + "; name = " + st.getName() + "; age = "+0].setName( "update1"0].setAge( 111= Student("update2", 22220="test_flx", "getAllStudents after update: id = " + st.getId() + "; name = " + st.getName() + "; age = "+0"test_flx", "getAllStudents after dele: id = " + st.getId() + "; name = " + st.getName() + "; age = "+
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 | 2019 - 07 - 16 10 : 35 : 12.486 32711 - 32730 /com.flx.testroom D/test_flx: getAllStudents after insert: id = 1 ; name = insert1; age = 20 2019 - 07 - 16 10 : 35 : 12.486 32711 - 32730 /com.flx.testroom D/test_flx: getAllStudents after insert: id = 2 ; name = insert2; age = 21 2019 - 07 - 16 10 : 35 : 12.486 32711 - 32730 /com.flx.testroom D/test_flx: getAllStudents after insert: id = 3 ; name = insert3; age = 22 2019 - 07 - 16 10 : 35 : 12.487 32711 - 32730 /com.flx.testroom D/test_flx: getAllStudents after insert: id = 4 ; name = insert4; age = 22 2019 - 07 - 16 10 : 35 : 12.502 32711 - 32730 /com.flx.testroom D/test_flx: getAllStudents after update: id = 1 ; name = update1; age = 111 2019 - 07 - 16 10 : 35 : 12.502 32711 - 32730 /com.flx.testroom D/test_flx: getAllStudents after update: id = 2 ; name = update2; age = 222 2019 - 07 - 16 10 : 35 : 12.502 32711 - 32730 /com.flx.testroom D/test_flx: getAllStudents after update: id = 3 ; name = insert3; age = 22 2019 - 07 - 16 10 : 35 : 12.502 32711 - 32730 /com.flx.testroom D/test_flx: getAllStudents after update: id = 4 ; name = insert4; age = 22 2019 - 07 - 16 10 : 35 : 12.516 32711 - 32730 /com.flx.testroom D/test_flx: getAllStudents after dele: id = 2 ; name = update2; age = 222 2019 - 07 - 16 10 : 35 : 12.517 32711 - 32730 /com.flx.testroom D/test_flx: getAllStudents after dele: id = 3 ; name = insert3; age = 22 2019 - 07 - 16 10 : 35 : 12.517 32711 - 32730 /com.flx.testroom D/test_flx: getAllStudents after dele: id = 4 ; name = insert4; age = 22 |
1. 创建Room数据库 Database:
创建Room数据库有两种方式,在上面代码中测试里 就有选择了其中一种,持久化的数据库。
(1)databaseBuilder (Context context, Class<T> klass, String name)
1 | studentDb = Room.databaseBuilder(context, StudentDataBase. class , "studentDB" ).build(); |
(2)inMemoryDatabaseBuilder (Context context, Class<T> klass)
内存数据库,当进程结束后 数据库也相应的被释放,数据库中的信息也丢失了。
1 | studentDb = Room.inMemoryDatabaseBuilder( context, StudentDataBase. class ).build(); |
2. 实体 Entity:
注:Android Studio快速生成getter setter方法,可使用Alt+Insert调出如下界面快速构造
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | allprojects { repositories { google() jcenter() } } |
@Entity 注释,定义了一个实体。可以包含多个参数,如下tableName-表名
1 2 | @Entity (tableName = "students" ) public class Student {<br>} |
主键使用注释@PrimaryKey定义,可以是单个字段,也可以是多个字段。如果是多个字段 在@Entity中添加,主键要可以设置自增属性autoGenerate。如:
1 2 | //多个字段的主键 @Entity (primaryKeys = { "AA" , "BB" })<br> public class Student {<br><br>}<br><br> |
1 2 | //主键自增 @PrimaryKey (autoGenerate = true )<br>pulic int id; |
1 2 | @ColumnInfo (name= "student_name" ) public String name; |
默认实体中每个变量都会在表中新建一列与之对应,如果不想持久化某一个,可以使用变量的注释@Ignore 或 实体的注释@Entity(ignoredColumns = "xxxx")进行忽略。
FTS(full-text search):全文搜索支持,使用条件是Room版本在2.1.0及以上。通过注释@Fts3 or @Fts4 定义使用。
注意:1.一般使用@Fts4, 如果应用有严格的磁盘要求 或者 要兼容旧版本的SQLite才使用@Fts3。
2.主键必须是 INTEGER类型 名字是rowid.否则会有如下错误:
1 | 错误: The single primary key field in an FTS entity must either be named 'rowid' or must be annotated with @ColumnInfo (name = "rowid" ) |
@Fts4@Entity(tableName = "students")public class Student { @PrimaryKey public int rowid; @ColumnInfo(name="student_name") public String name; }
@Entity(tableName = "students",indices = {@Index(value = {"id", "student_name"}, unique = true)})public class Student { @PrimaryKey public int id; @ColumnInfo(name="student_name") public String name; }
1 | 错误: Indices not allowed in FTS Entity. |
大致原因是性能和体验上的考虑:将关系从数据库映射到对象上,这种方式再客户端上存在性能问题。延迟加载(默认方式)是不可行的,它一般发生在UI线程上,UI线程查询磁盘数据有严重性能问题。Ui线程计算 绘制Activity或布局大致要16ms, 即使查询只要5ms 也可能导致没有足够时间,导致视觉上的问题。如果有事务并行或磁盘密集型操作,查询时间会更久。如果不使用延迟加载,程序获取的数据比需要的更多,造成内存消耗过多的问题,影响性能。
例如:有两个对象,Book和Author,每个Book都有一个Author对象。一个UI加载Book列表,可以通过延迟加载 获取图书检索作者的实例。第一次从数据库中查询author。一段时间后,可能UI上 还需显示作者的名字,通过下面代码添加:
1 | authorNameTextView.setText(book.getAuthor().getName()); |
(1). 一对多
@Entity(foreignKeys = @ForeignKey(entity = Student.class, parentColumns = "id", childColumns = "student_id", onDelete = ForeignKey.CASCADE))//onDelete = ForeignKey.CASCADE,当Student被删除,则所有与之关联的Book都会被删除。public class Book { @PrimaryKey public int bookId; public String title; @ColumnInfo(name = "student_id") public int studentId; }
这里的一对多,是Student对Book。通过外键student_id使多个Book实例 关联到 Student实例上。
(2). 嵌套对象
如下在Student中嵌套了一个Address对象,这样Student实体对象就对应包含了这些列:id, student_name, street, state, city, post_code。
public class Address { public String street; public String state; public String city; @ColumnInfo(name = "post_code") public int postCode; } @Entity(tableName = "students",indices = {@Index(value = {"id", "student_name"}, unique = true)})public class Student { @PrimaryKey public int id; @ColumnInfo(name="student_name") public String name; @Embedded public Address address; }
(3). 多对多
多对多,通过下面例子(官网)来具体看看。下面包含了两个实体,Playlist 和Song,以及一个中间类 PlaylistSongJoin 保存每个播放列表中的歌曲信息。
@Entitypublic class Playlist { @PrimaryKey public int id; public String name; public String description; } @Entitypublic class Song { @PrimaryKey public int id; public String songName; public String artistName; }
@Entity(tableName = "playlist_song_join", primaryKeys = { "playlistId", "songId" }, foreignKeys = { @ForeignKey(entity = Playlist.class, parentColumns = "id", childColumns = "playlistId"), @ForeignKey(entity = Song.class, parentColumns = "id", childColumns = "songId") })public class PlaylistSongJoin { public int playlistId; public int songId; }
3. 数据库视图
2.1.0及更高版本才支持,和实体Entity类似,可以对视图执行SELECT,但不能执行INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE。
@DatabaseView("SELECT user.id, user.name, user.departmentId," + "department.name AS departmentName FROM user " + "INNER JOIN department ON user.departmentId = department.id")public class UserDetail { public long id; public String name; public long departmentId; public String departmentName; }
@Database(entities = {User.class}, views = {UserDetail.class}, version = 1)public abstract class AppDatabase extends RoomDatabase { public abstract UserDao userDao(); }
4. DAO 访问数据库
要使用Room持久化库,需要通过数据访问对象DAO(data access objects)。 它可以是一个接口,也可以是一个抽象类。
Room不支持在主线程访问数据库(在构造数据库时若调用 allowMainThreadQueries() 可绕过),因为它可能比较长时间锁定UI(主线程) 导致ANR。若要在主线程访问数据库,需要使用异步方法 或者 手动将调用移到后台线程。
最开始的例子 中的StudentsDao就是这样的类。再次给出 :
@Daopublic interface StudentsDao { @Insert public void insertStudent(Student student); @Insert public void insertStudents(Student student1, Student student2); @Insert public void insertStudentsAndMore(Student student, List<Student> classmate); @Update public void updateStudents(Student ... students); @Delete public void deleStudents(Student ... students); @Query( "SELECT * FROM students" ) public Student[] getAllStudents(); @Query( "SELECT * FROM students WHERE student_name LIKE:studentName" ) public Student[] getStudentsByName(String studentName); @Query("SELECT student_name, age FROM students") public List<Student> getNameAndAge(); }
增删改查 通过注释@Insert @Delete @Update @Query使用即可,Room已生成对应的实现。其中@Update @Delete是通过主键找到对应实体再进行操作。@Query使用SQL语句,返回对应的集合。
在上面介绍 实体对象间关系 中的 多对多 时,举的例子 两个实体,Playlist 和Song,以及一个中间类 PlaylistSongJoin ,下面是通过song查询playlist 和 通过playlist查询songs的代码,可以了解下:
@Daopublic interface PlaylistSongJoinDao { @Insert void insert(PlaylistSongJoin playlistSongJoin); @Query("SELECT * FROM playlist " + "INNER JOIN playlist_song_join " + "ON playlist.id=playlist_song_join.playlistId " + "WHERE playlist_song_join.songId=:songId") List<Playlist> getPlaylistsForSong(final int songId); @Query("SELECT * FROM song " + "INNER JOIN playlist_song_join " + "ON song.id=playlist_song_join.songId " + "WHERE playlist_song_join.playlistId=:playlistId") List<Song> getSongsForPlaylist(final int playlistId); }
5. Room数据库 迁移
数据库迁移,通过实现Migration这个迁移类,这个类构造指明了startVersion和endVersion(数据库类的@Database中添加的version值), 实现了migrate方法。如下:
static final Migration MIGRATION_1_2 = new Migration(1, 2) { @Override public void migrate(SupportSQLiteDatabase database) { database.execSQL("CREATE TABLE `Fruit` (`id` INTEGER, " + "`name` TEXT, PRIMARY KEY(`id`))"); } };static final Migration MIGRATION_2_3 = new Migration(2, 3) { @Override public void migrate(SupportSQLiteDatabase database) { database.execSQL("ALTER TABLE Book " + " ADD COLUMN pub_year INTEGER"); } }; Room.databaseBuilder(getApplicationContext(), MyDb.class, "database-name") .addMigrations(MIGRATION_1_2, MIGRATION_2_3).build();