System Extension Blocked - warning

2020-12-07 22:06:13

参考链接 System Extension Blocked - warning

After upgrading your macOS computer to High Sierra 10.13.4 or higher (starting in April 2018), you may see a message about a System Extension Blocked.  At Williams we have seen this warning appear for these programs:

  • Sophos Anti-Virus

  • Cisco VPN

  • VirtualBox



If you see the Open Security Preferences button, click that, then click Allow.

If you only see OK, click that then go to your Apple Menu:  System Preferences: Security and Privacy.  Click Allow.


You should only need to do this once and only for the few applications which have not certified their programs with Apple.  These will be resolved soon by the vendors.


  • 2020-01-20 08:29:14



  • 2020-01-30 11:19:58


    我们知道在android7.0,修改了对私有存储的限制,导致在获取资源的时候,不能通过Uri.fromFile(..)来获取uri了,但是在写入数据的时候是可以通过Uri.fromFile(..)来获取uri的,android 官网给出的解决办法是通过FileProvider来解决这一问题,我们需要在AndroidManifest.xml 配制provider节点。

  • 2020-02-02 15:40:36

    Apache Commons IO之IOUtils优雅操作流
